
IFPEN contributes to sustainable development, incorporating social, environmental and economic considerations into its activities, the way it operates and its interactions with stakeholders.

Its policy is hinged around four strategic priorities

  • Dialog with stakeholders: a lever for performance and risk reduction.
    To understand the expectations and needs of stakeholders in order to provide them with the appropriate solutions.
  • Employee engagement: active players and ambassadors
    To give meaning to actions and enable them to innovate: foster employee loyalty, involvement and motivation.
  • Reduction of the environmental footprint
    To tackle climate change, preserve natural resources and protect biodiversity.
  • The promotion of a responsible economy
    To support innovation and entrepreneurship, maintain responsible relations with suppliers and reinforce the development and appeal of the regions where IFPEN operates. 

Its CSR strategy is supported by internal policies and charters relating to health and safety, the environment, quality, corruption prevention and procurements. 


IFPEN policies supporting its CSR strategy:

Through QualityHealth, Safety and Environment policies, IFP Energies nouvelles’ General Management expresses its commitment to: 
• maintaining the highest level of operational excellence in the field of R&I, targeting process efficiency underpinned, in particular, by a structured innovation management framework and technological expertise and resources; 
• making employee health and safety a priority at its sites, while making maximum use of R&I facilities and equipment; 
• setting an example when it comes to the environment and eco-responsibility more generally.

Through its anti-corruption code of conduct and its warning procedure, IFPEN aims to take the principles of responsibility, transparency and integrity within the company to the highest possible level.

To contribute to the control of social and environmental risks relating to the contracting-out of services, IFPEN is also committed to complying - and ensuring compliance -, via its Procurement policy and its charter, with the highest standards when it comes to safety, quality and sustainable development.
> IFPEN's terms and conditions of purchasing


Logo AFAQ - AFNOR CertificationISO 9001 Quality Certification
IFPEN has been certified for all of its Research and Innovation activities since 2011.
The ISO 9001 certificate has been renewed in July 2022.