IFPEN has two geographic sites:
- in the Île-de-France region (Rueil-Malmaison site)
- in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (Lyon site)
The two sites host R&I activities, with the Lyon site housing large-scale equipment and pilot units designed to perform tests on a pre-industrial scale. These sites are the anchoring points for a number of regional partnerships, with academic, institutional or industrial players, or via collaborative structures.
IFPEN regularly organizes tours of its Rueil and Lyon sites aimed at the public authorities, to present its activities and the state of the art concerning themes related to the energy transition.
Rueil-Malmaison SITE
The Rueil site welcomes nearly 1,000 employees including more than 70 doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers It brings together design, modeling, simulation, experimentation and development facilities in numerous fields, such as:
- IC, electric and hybrid engines,
- water cycle management in the EOR context,
- basin modeling and reservoir simulation software,
- environmental monitoring,
- life cycle analysis.
The site also houses IFP School, which offers applied graduate programs for students and young professionals in energy and sustainable mobility-related fields.

IFPEN is at the center of a partnership network with higher education and research players in the Ile-de-France region. For example, IFPEN is involved in several competitiveness clusters: Mov’eo (environmentally-friendly cars and public transport), ASTech (aeronautics, space, onboard systems), the energy transition institute VEDECOM (sustainable mobility) and the Université Paris-Saclay (UPS) and Sorbonne Université COMUES (Communities of universities and institutions).
IFPEN also invests heavily in local initiatives aimed at reinforcing the economic and social fabric and creating jobs.
Map: IFPEN in Rueil-Malmaison (PDF - 2 Mo)
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 52 60 00
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Lyon Site
IFPEN has long been established as a significant player in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional ecosystem. The research conducted on the Lyon site is aimed at validating the industrial feasibility of the processes and technologies developed by IFPEN, ensuring their reliability and guaranteeing their industrial scale-up.
The Lyon site welcomes nearly 800 employees, including 85% in R&I. It brings together design, modeling, experimentation and development facilities in numerous fields, including:
- fuels and biofuels production processes,
- offshore wind power and ocean energies,
- energy storage,
- CO2 storage.

Panorama of the IFPEN-Lyon site
IFPEN actively participates in the development of regions - particularly the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region -, reinforcing their competitiveness and appeal. Its commitment to innovation and its support for the local economic fabric are illustrated by its involvement in the Axelera and CARA competitiveness clusters, as well as the Axel’One collaborative platform. IFPEN’s contribution to the development of the Rhône-Alpes region ecosystem is also demonstrated by a scientific partnership with the Lyon COMUE (community of universities and institutions), its membership of CEPRRA (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes public-sector research federation) and its participation in the Sysprod innovation platform network.
Map: IFPEN Lyon (PDF - 1,3 Mo)
Tel.: +33 (0)4 37 70 20 00
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