
2 minutes of reading


2,840 people from 107 countries registered for the online training module on the energy transition, deployed by IFP School from January 10 to February 28, 2022 with the support of TotalEnergies Foundation and in association with the Fondation Tuck.

This free module, which represented 4 hours of learning and included 7 games, was followed by 1,999 men and 841 women. 38.66% of the learners were between 26 and 35 years old.

519 of the registrants viewed all 10 video clips delivered in English (with French and Spanish subtitles) and 460 completed the training earning their badge of achievement.

"It was a great opportunity to learn more about CO2 capture and storage and the logistics of what I believe is the future of the oil and gas exploration industry!" shared Erick Almeida Muhlhofer on LinkedIn.

The live session on February 17 with IFP School lecturers, specialists in energy transition issues, attracted 90 participants.

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