In a few words

Emmanuel HACHE holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris I and a Msc in Development Economics and Sociology from the Institut d'Étude du Développement Économique et Social (IEDES) of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He also holds a Msc degree from the Institute of International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) in Geopolitics and Foresight. After about three years' experience in India during his doctoral studies, he became a research fellow in economics, specialising in commodity markets, at the Centre for Economic Observation (COE). In 2006, he joined IFP School as Associate Professor and became responsible for the Petroleum Economics and Management programme and the Executive Master in Energy Management between 2007 and 2013. Since then he has been working as a project manager in the Economics & Environmental Evaluation Department at IFP Energies nouvelles on energy foresight. He teaches Future studies, energy economics or raw materials economics in numerous institutions (Université Paris-Dauphine, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM), IRIS, ENSTA, etc.). He is associate research director at IRIS and associate researcher at Economix (EconomiX-CNRS, University of Paris Nanterre). He is the driving force behind the GENERATE project (Géopolitique des Energies Renouvelables et Analyse Prospective de la Transition Energétique), which received funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) in 2017.

Research subjects
Critical Materials for the Energy Transition
Energy Transition Scenario
Energy Transition Geopolitics
  • GENERATE (Renewable Energies Geopolitics and Future Studies on Energy Transition) in collaboration with the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS)
  • PEPITE (Energy Foresight and Industrial Opportunity of the Energy Transition)
  • Hache, E., S., Seck, G., Simoen, M., Bonnet, C., Carcanague,  (2019), Critical raw materials and transportation sector electrification: A detailed bottom-up analysis in world transport, Applied Energy, 40, pp.6-25
  • Hache, E., Carcanague, S., Bonnet, C., Seck, G., Simoën, M. (2019) "Vers une géopolitique de l’énergie plus complexe ? », Revue Internationale et Stratégique n°113, Printemps 2019, pp.73-81
  • Hache, E. (2019) "La Chine, nouveau laboratoire écologique mondial ?". Revue Internationale et Stratégique n°113, Printemps 2019, pp.133-143.
  • Hache, E., Palle, A. (2019), "Renewable energy source integration into power networks, research trends and policy implications: A bibliometric and research actors survey analysis", Energy Policy, 124, Janvier, pp.23-35.
  • Hache, E., Gomes, G., Mignon, V., Paris, A., (2018), "On the current account-biofuels link in emerging and developing countries: do oil price fluctuations matter?", Energy Policy. Volume 116, Mai, pp.60-67.
  • Hache, E., (2018), "Do renewable energies improve energy security in the long run?", International Economics. Volume 156, Décembre, pp.127-135.
  • Hache, E., Leboullenger, D., Mignon, V., (2017), "Beyond average energy consumption in the French residential housing market: A household classification approach", Energy Policy, 107, pp.82-95.