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Innovation and Industry
Events 20 - 21 June 2023

Seanergy 2023: IFPEN and GreenWits make their mark at a key moment in the industry

Fort de plus de 10 ans de travaux de recherche dans l’éolien, IFPEN, au travers de son Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques (IFPEN RE), participe pour la première fois à Seanergy 2023, le forum international dédié aux énergies renouvelables de la mer, les 20 et 21 juin à Paris Porte de Versailles. L’occasion de découvrir sa filiale, GreenWits, à l’heure où l’accélération de l’éolien appelle à une mobilisation de tous les acteurs.

Individual page

Guillaume VINAY

Research Project Manager "Multiphysics Modeling of Coupling Phenomenon", PhD research engineer in numerical fluid mechanics
Guillaume Vinay studied at ENSEIRB-MATMECA in Bordeaux before completing a PhD in Numerical Mechanics at Mines ParisTech. Graduating in 2005, he was awarded the thesis prize of the Groupe Français de
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Research engineer in scientific computing
Francesco Patacchini is a research engineer in scientific computing and, more generally, in applied mathematics. He obtained his PhD at Imperial College London in 2017 under the supervision of Prof
News in brief

waLBerla-wind : fast high-fidelity wind farm flow simulations

IFPEN, together with Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, has extended the widely applicable Lattice-Boltzmann (LBM) framework waLBerla to the simulation of entire wind farms using a Large-Eddy Simulation framework
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Research engineer in scientific computing
Julien Coatléven graduated from ENSTA (Paris) and completed his doctoral thesis in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and INRIA Rocquencourt. After completing post-doctoral research at
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Research engineer / project leader in optimization
PhD in applied mathematics
Master degree in numerical analysis (Paris 6 university) PhD in applied mathematics (Paris 13 university) : inversion problem of seismic tomography 2003-now : research engineer in applied mathematics
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Charles-Philippe LIENEMANN

Charles-Philippe Lienemann - Scientific Advisor at the Physics and Analysis Division
Charles-Philippe Lienemann graduated at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in 1993. He then joined University of Lausanne (Switzerland) within the group of D. Perret and Prof. J-C. Bünzli for his
Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques
Innovation and Industry

Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques

The Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques (RE) brings together 14 of IFP Energies nouvelles’ laboratories. Awarded the Carnot label in 2020, it maintains strong ties with the socio-economic world, both in France and internationally, and actively contributes to the Carnot Institute network. The Carnot IFPEN RE addresses the challenges associated with
Issues and Foresight

An energy that surfs the waves

Technologies have progressed significantly and a whole host of different wave energy systems are in the process of being developed to convert this resource into electricity.
Issues and Foresight

Wind power: converting wind into electricity

Sailing boats, windmills, etc. Humans have made use of wind energy for centuries. Thanks to technological progress, today it is possible to produce “green” electricity without using fossil resources. We take a closer look at its development prospects and the remaining challenges to be overcome.
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Frederic BLONDEL

Research engineer
Frédéric graduated with a PhD diploma in Fluid Mechanics from Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2014. Since then, he works as a research engineer at IFPEN. Frédéric’s reasearch focuses on both the