In a few words

Master degree in numerical analysis (Paris 6 university)
PhD in applied mathematics (Paris 13 university) : inversion problem of seismic tomography

2003-now : research engineer in applied mathematics department of IFPEN
main research topic : numerical optimization and uncertainty quantification

1994-2003 : research engineer in geophysic division of IFPEN
main research topic : inverse problems for seismic imaging

Complete list of publications at  Hal or ORCID pages

Research subjects
Derivative Free Optimization
Inverse problems
Mixed integer continuous optimization
Response surfaces, surrogate optimization
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis

Contributions to IFPEN applications

  • Uncertainty quantification for pollutant dispersion Science@ifpen n°54
  • Uncertainty quantification for hydrogen engines ANR ALEKCIA
  • Optimal design for offshore wind turbines Science@ifpen n°34
  • Optimal design for electric machines IFPEN solutions
  • Optimization of chemical refinery process : simultaneous process design and heat exchanger network synthesis (paper)
  • Hybrid vehicles : design and optimal control of hybrid vehicles (paper), constrained optimization of energy management (paper)
  • Engine calibration : calibration methods based on design of experiments (paper), constrained multi-objective optimization of engine maps (paper)
  • Optimization and uncertainty treatment for reservoir engineering : CougarFlow software,  well placement (Science@ifpen n°30)
  • Seismic inversion : reflection tomography (paper), constrained nonlinear optimization (paper)

Project management

  • Lead DeTOCS research project of Scientific Division : "Design Tools for Optimization and Control of complex Systems"  (2020-)
  • Co-animate scientific challenge "Optimization and control of complex systems"  (2017-2019)
  • Lead ERMES joint industrial project (JIP sponsored by Engie and Petrobras) Enhanced unceRtainty and optiMization mEthodologieS (2014-2017)
  • Lead research projects of Scientific Division in optimization and uncertainty treatment (2006-2011) (Science@ifpen n°2)

    Collaborative projects / network

    • Member of Special Interest group of ECOFTAC dedicated to Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation
    • Collaboration with Prof. Caroline Osorio from HEC Montréal on calibration of traffic models and quantification of associated uncertainies (2024-) 
    • Member of scientific council of ETICS (Research School on Uncertainty in Scientific (2023-) Computing) organized by CEA/DAM, EDF R&D and ENS Paris Saclay (2023-)
    • Participation in Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique Quantification des incertitudes @ Université Paris-Saclay | LARTISSTE
    • Member of scientific council of AMIES (Agency for Interaction in Mathematics with Business and Society) (2021-)
    • Set-up and coordination  of consortium CIROQUO (Consortium Industriel de Recherche en Optimisation et QUantification d'incertitudes pour les données Onéreuses) with Céline Helbert et Christophette Blanchet-Scalliet (Centrale Lyon) (2021-2024), Activity report
    • Set-up and coordination  of the ANR research project SAMOURAI "Simulation Analytics and Meta-model-based solutions for Optimization, Uncertainty and Reliability AnalysIs" with CEA, CentraleSupelec, EDF, EMSE, IFPEN, Polytechnique Montréal, Safran (2021-2024)
    • Set-up and coordination of the collaborative project with Safran Tech for the development of the opensource web platform LAGUN for data exploration and optimization (2019 - ):
    • Set-up of the research project "Categorical variables for black-box optimization" in collaboration with GERAD lab of école Polytechnique de Montréal (S. Le Digabel, C. Audet) financed bu the Samuel de Champlain program (2020-2022)
    • Participation in OQUAIDO, chair in applied mathematics (2016-2019), chair review
    • Collaboration with Prof. Andrew Conn (IBM Watson) on derivative free optimization methods (2014-2018)
    • Extreme design of risers for Technip-FMC (2017)
    • PGMO projects (2014-2016) :  "Optimization under probabilistic constraints of complex systems – Application to the anchoring of offshore wind-turbines" with EDF, UniversitätDuisburh-Essen and Paris 7 University, "Global derivative free optimization with sparse grids" with Versailles University
    • Joint Industrial Projects in reservoir engineering  : leader of JIP "Enhanced unceRtainty and optiMization mEthodologieS" (ERMES) (2014-2017), participate in JIPs "Monitor-Condor" (MC2,MC3)  (2010-2013) sponsored by oil and gas companies and geophysical services companies
    • Projet ANR Costa Brava (2010-2013) : "Analyse de dynamiques spatio-temporelles complexes par réduction de modèle et analyses de sensibilité" with Toulouse University, INRIA Grenoble and CEA
    • Research consortia in geophysics : “Prestack Structural Interpretation” (PSI) with INRIA  (1991-1995) and “Kinematic Inversion Methods (KIM) (1996-2000) sponsored by oil and gas companies
    • Participation in the European project KIMASI (1998-1999) with BP
    • Professional detachments at AMOCO research center in USA (6 months in 1995), at CGG, France (2 months in 1996), at TOTAL, France (2 months in 1996)

    phD supervision


    • Active learning with functional inputs: application to wind turbine reliability design, Lorenzo Calzolari, starting in November 2024, in collaboration with C. Prieur (LJK, Université Grenoble Alpes) and C. Helbert (Ecole Centrale de Lyon) and  M. Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN)
    • Optimization and uncertainty quantification for Augmented Large-eddy simulations of an internal combustion engine fueled with hydrogen, Julien Steib, ongoing, in collaboration with K. Truffin et S. Jay (IFPEN)
    • Sensitivity analysis of optimization problems under uncertainties, Noé Fellmann, ongoing, in collaboration with C. Helbert and C. Blanchet-Scalliet (Ecole Centrale Lyon) and A. Spagnol (IFPEN) within CIROQUO consortium
    • Robust design optimization of lectrical machines for electric and hybrid vehicles, Adan Reyes Reyes, ongoing, in collaboration with S. Hlioui (SATIE, CNAM) and A. NASR (IFPEN)
    • Robust inversion with functional data inputs. Application to wind turbine design, by Clément Duhamel, ongoing, in collaboration with C. Prieur (LJK, Université Grenoble Alpes) and C. Helbert (Ecole Centrale de Lyon) and  M. Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN)


    • Uncertainty analysis and calibration of models of turbulent dispersion of pollutants in urban environment, by Mathis Pasquier, 2023, in collaboration with P. Sagaut (M2P2, Centrale Marseille) and S. Jay (IFPEN)
    • Nonlinear optimization of mixed continuous and discrete variables for black-box simulators, by Thi-Thoi Tran, 2021, in collaboration with M. Mongeau (ENAC) and S. Da Veiga (Safran), <tel-03439543>
    • Uncertainties and robustness analysis for models with functional inputs, by Mohammed Reda El Amri, 2019, in collaboration with C. Prieur (LJK, Université Grenoble Alpes), C. Helbert (Ecole Centrale de Lyon), M. Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN), ⟨tel-02433324⟩ within OQUAIDO chair
    • Optimisation non linéaire avec variables mixtes continues et discrètes du placement des puits et de leur géométrie, par Claire Lizon, 2015, en collaboration avec L. Liberti et C. d'Ambrosio (LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS), ⟨hal-02494198⟩
    • Optimisation sans dérivées sous contraintes : deux applications industrielles en ingénierie de réservoir et en calibration des moteurs, par Hoël Langouët, 2011, en collaboration avec E. Thierry (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis), ⟨tel-00671987⟩
    • Véhicules hybrides et commande optimale, par G. Rousseau, 2008, en collaboration avec P. Rouchon (CAS, Ecole des Mines de Paris), ⟨pastel-00005237⟩
    • Quantification d'incertitudes pour l'inversion tomographique de données sismiques, par Carole Duffet, 2004, en collaboration avec M. Cuer (Université de Montpellier), ⟨tel-02494284⟩
    • Optimisation non linéaire sous contraintes pour la tomographie sismique de réflexion, par Frédéric Delbos, 2004, en collaboration avec R. Glowinski (Université de Houston and université Paris 6) et J-Ch. Gilbert (INRIA), ⟨tel-02494246⟩

    Project reviews

    • External reviewer for NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
    • Expert for HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education)
    • CITEPH projects (2017-2019) : Collaborative & Innovative Technology Program in Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons
    • ANR projects and industrial chairs (French National Research Agency)
    • Reviews of projects and teams : ONERA, CEA DAM

    Conference organization

    • Workshop on Bayesian Optimization for RT-UQ (thematic network on Uncertainty Quantification), 2024 (IHP, Paris) with Julien Bect (Centrale Supelec) and Céline Helbert (Central Lyon)
    • Session "Derivative-free and Blackbox Optimization" of Optimization Days, JOpt, 2022 (Montréal, Canada) 
    • Session Global and local derivative-free optimization under uncertainty at EURO 2021 (Athens, Greece) with Miguel Munoz Zuniga
    • Session "Surrogate Optimization: Methods and Applications" at EURO 2019 conference (Dublin, Ireland)
    • Workshop GDR MascotNum 2019 at IFPEN, with Miguel Munoz Zuniga
    • Workshop Horizon Maths 2014 of Fondation des Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, at IFPEN, with Frédéric Delbos, Isabelle Faille and Quang-Huy Tran

    Invited talks at conferences


    • Best student paper : Sinoquet, D., Modeling a priori information on velocity field in reflection tomography, 1993, 63rd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl, Geophys. (SEG), Expanded Abstract


    • Summer school CIMPA "Data assimilation, optimization and applications", course on "black-box simulation based optimization : algorithms and applications", German Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2021
    • F. Delbos, M. Munoz Zuniga and D. Sinoquet, Optimization training course at IFPEN, 2015-2018
    • F. Delbos and D. Sinoquet, Optimization training course in CGG-Veritas, 2011
    • P. Lailly and D. Sinoquet, Course on Inverse Problems, IFP School

    Complete list of publications at  Hal or ORCID pages

    • Reyes, A. R., Nasr, A., Sinoquet, D. , and Hlioui, S. ,  An Adapted Constrained Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization Under Uncertainties: Application on a Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor, in 2024 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), sept. 2024, p. 1‑7. doi: 10.1109/ICEM60801.2024.10700346
    • Reyes, A. R., Nasr, A., Sinoquet, D. , and Hlioui, S. , Study on the impact of uncertain design parameters on the performances of a permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motor, 2024, Sci. Tech. Energ. Transition, DOI:10.2516/stet/2024008   
    • Reyes, A. R., Nasr, A., Sinoquet, D. , and Hlioui, S. , Méthodologie de dimensionnement par optimisation bayésienne d'une machine synchro-réluctante assistée d'aimants permanentsSymposium de Génie Electrique (SGE2023), Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique et d’Electronique de Puissance de Lille - L2EP, Jul 2023, Lille, France, hal-04220623.
    • Fellmann N., Pasquier M., Helbert C., Spagnol A., D. Sinoquet, Blanchet-Scalliet C., Sensitivity analysis for sets : application to pollutant concentration maps, 2024, Quality and Reliability Engineering International journal, DOI:10.1002/qre.3638hal-04312097
    • Fellmann N., Blanchet-Scalliet C., Helbert C. , Spagnol A. and D. Sinoquet, Kernel-based sensivity analysis for (excursion) sets, 2024, Technometrics, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2024.2336537
    • Menz M., Munoz Zuniga M., D. Sinoquet, Learning hidden constraints using a Stepwise Uncertainty Reduction strategy based on Gaussian Process Classifiers, submitted in 2023, hal-03848238
    • El Amri M.R., Helbert C., Munoz Zuniga M., Prieur C., Sinoquet D., Feasible set estimation under functional uncertainty by Gaussian Process modelling2023, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, DOI:10.1016/j.physd.2023.133893hal-02986558
    • Duhamel, C., Helbert, C., Munoz Zuniga M., Prieur, C., D. Sinoquet, A SUR version of the Bichon criterion2024, Quality and Reliability Engineering International journal, DOI:10.1002/qre.3638hal-04312097 for excursion set estimation, Statistics and Computing journal, 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11222-023-10208-4hal-03780559
    • Tran T.T., Da Veiga S., Sinoquet D., Mongeau M., Design of experiments for mixed continuous and discrete variables, submitted in 2022, hal-03561149
    • Tran T.T., Sinoquet D., Da Veiga S., Mongeau M., Derivative‑free mixed binary necklace optimization for cyclic‑symmetry optimal design problems, 2021, Optimization and Engineering, DOI:10.1007/s11081-021-09685-1hal-03170761
    • Ding, Z., Truffin, K., Jay, S., Sinoquet, D. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in turbulent pipe flow simulation, 2021, World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress, 800, pp. 1-12. DOI:10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.185
    • Munoz Zuniga M. and Sinoquet D., Global Optimization for mixed categorical-continuous variables based on Gaussian process models with a randomized categorical space exploration step, 2020, INFOR, Information Systems and Operational Research, DOI:10.1080/03155986.2020.1730677Scientific news
    • El Amri M.R., Helbert C., Lepreux O., Munoz Zuniga M., Prieur C., Sinoquet D., Data-driven stochastic inversion under functional uncertainties, 2019, Statistics and Computing, DOI:10.1007/s11222-019-09888-8hal-02291766
    • Poirette Y., Guiton M., Huwart G., Sinoquet D. and Leroy J-M., An optimization method for the configuration of inter array cables for floating offshore wind farm, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE 2017, DOI:10.1115/OMAE2017-61655hal-02284402
    • Psaltis A., Sinoquet D. and Pagot A., Systematic optimization methodology for heat exchanger network and simultaneous process design, 2016, Computers and Chemical Engineering, DOI:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2016.09.013, hal-0145282
    • Magand, S., Sciarretta, A., Sinoquet, D., Modular methodology to optimize innovative drivetrains, 2013, SAE Technical Papers, DOI:10.4271/2013-24-0080
    • Sinoquet, D., Rousseau, G., Milhau, Y., Design optimization and optimal control for hybrid vehicles, 2011, Optimization and Engineering, DOI:10.1007/s11081-009-9100-8hal-02284149
    • Langouët, H., Métivier, L., Sinoquet, D., Tran, Q.-H., Engine calibration: Multi-objective constrained optimization of engine maps, 2011, Optimization and Engineering, DOI:10.1007/s11081-011-9140-8hal-02284142

    Book Chapter

    • Delbos F., Duffet C. and Sinoquet D., Uncertainty Analysis for Seismic Inverse Problems: Two Practical Examples, 2010, book chapter part of Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty Editor(s): Lorenz Biegler George Biros Omar Ghattas Matthias Heinkenschloss David Keyes Bani Mallick Youssef Marzouk Luis Tenorio Bart van Bloemen Waanders Karen Willcox


    • Castagné, M., Ferrero-Lesur, E., Nicolas, F., Magand, S., Sinoquet, D., Procédé de calibration d'un moteur à combustion interne pour limiter les émissions de polluants, 2012, brevet 6424/00/FR-NP.