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Fundamental Research
News 09 February 2022

The 2021 Yves Chauvin Thesis Prize awarded to Lina Jolivet: materials analysis to support processes

Lina Jolivet was the winner of the 2021 Yves Chauvin thesis prize for her work on the contribution of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to the characterization of industrial materials with a view to improving processes.

Innovation and Industry
News 04 February 2022

IFPEN and geothermal energy: multidisciplinary research for complex technical challenges

The WGC 2020+1 World Geothermal Congress, held last October, brought together more than 3,000 experts from around the globe. Objective: to discuss the latest technologies in this sector. The event was an opportunity to highlight recent advances developed at IFPEN aimed at addressing the principal difficulties encountered by geothermal energy operators.

Issue 54 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC2 - Biofuel production: understanding and controlling corrosion by renewable feedstocks

Biofuels are one of the components of the transition to renewable energies, and their use is an effective way of decarbonizing transport. However, they are produced from feedstocks whose composition can affect the steel equipment used for their conversion. For example, the hydrotreatment of vegetable oils and animal fats leads to the exposure to high concentrations of oxygenated compounds, naturally present in the initial feedstock or resulting from their conversion...
Individual page


Research Engineer, PhD in Electrochemistry
I am Rémy Mingant, an experienced research engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles, specializing in corrosion, batteries, and materials. My journey is built upon a strong academic foundation, crowned by a
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC6 - How to better control loss of lithium battery capacity

Everybody knows that lithium-ion batteries, used in cell phones, computers, etc., gradually lose capacity and eventually fail. This loss of capacity is primarily due to a layer known as the SEI, which forms between one of the battery’s electrodes and the electrolyte (see Figure). This layer already appears after the first battery charge/discharge cycle, and grows over time, consuming lithium ions. The process is irreversible and therefore detrimental to battery capacitye...
Issue 50 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

Self-repair against localized corrosion

Due to their low cost and their good mechanical properties, carbon steels are a widely used material, including for equipments in contact with harsh environments, such as aqueous media containing CO2...
Science@ifpen - Issue 49
News in brief

Battery behavior: a complexity best taken into account by modeling

For around fifteen years now, IFPEN has been focusing on modeling conventional batteries to represent their nominal operation (electric and thermal behavior during normal operation), throughout their lifetime (...) and in the event of thermal runaway (failure, improper use)...
Individual page


Materials & Corrosion Technical Advisor, Project manager
PhD in Electrochemistry
> 20 years experience in Materials and Corrosion. Materials Engineer from INSA de Lyon , 1997. PhD in Eectrochemistry (Paris 6), 2001. Habilitation from INSA de Lyon, 2011. Member of Cefracor / EFC /
Individual page

François ROPITAL

Research engineer – Project leader
François Ropital is a Materials Engineer from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon (1980), Doctor of the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne in Chemical Engineering
Issue 39 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

An explosive cocktail for steel fracture?

Issue 37 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

Carbon steel in self-defense mode against corrosion

Carbon or low-alloy steel corrosion, by aqueous media containing CO 2 , hampers the development of numerous technologies a for the energy transition. Among the electrochemical processes involved, the