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Project Leader, ab initio calculations for Catalysis
After a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis (Paris 6 Univ., 2003-2006), during which I acquired skills in mineral synthesis, spectroscopies, catalytic testing and computational modelling, I chose to
Issue 37 of Science@ifpen
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Carbon steel in self-defense mode against corrosion

Carbon or low-alloy steel corrosion, by aqueous media containing CO 2 , hampers the development of numerous technologies a for the energy transition. Among the electrochemical processes involved, the
Issue 37 Science@ifpen
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Foam rheology in porous media

For processes involving gas injection, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR a ) and CO 2 storage operations, the use of foam makes it easier to control gas mobility . Improving these processes requires
Issue 37 Science@ifpen
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Phase equilibria in confined media

In many geological reservoirs, pore size distribution is highly heterogeneous (from 2 to 50 nm). While the molecular size of the confined fluids is between 0.5 and 10 nm, their interaction forces with
Issue 37 Science@ifpen
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Adsorption, a key factor for geological storage

Low permeability geological layers, already known within the context of oil exploration, are once again becoming a focus of interest for energy (compressed air), gas (CO 2 , H 2 , CH 4 ) and waste
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Research engineer in Physical Chemistry of Complex Fluids
PhD from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC)
Qualified to supervise research (ED388)
Christine Dalmazzone holds a doctorate and and a qualification to supervise research in physico-chemistry of processes from the University of Technology of Compiègne. She joined IFP Energies nouvelles
Science@ifpen n°35
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Power in unity: a new approach to simulate complex flows

Science@ifpen n°34
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Semi-crystalline polymers: clays that are ignored?

In the energy sector, semi-crystalline polymers a are primarily used within structures located in aggressive environments, to form coatings (waterproofing, thermal or electric barriers) . These
Issue 31 Science@ifpen
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Journey to the center of a droplet