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Fundamental Research
News 16 May 2022

Scale change preparation for well-stirred enzymes

In partnership with Clermont-Auvergne University, IFPEN has developed a tool for predicting and scaling-up the performance of aerated bioreactors used in bio-based fuel production. This tool, based on numerical fluid mechanics, combines hydrodynamics, rheology, matter transfer and simplified microorganism metabolism.

Identification of reforming active phase catalytic descriptors
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Identification of reforming active phase catalytic descriptors

​​​​​​​The vast majority of oil refineries are equipped with a catalytic reforming unit that fulfils three main functions: production of high-octane oil cuts for gasoline production (known as reformates), production of aromatic-rich cuts containing fewer than 10 carbon atoms, used in the chemicals industry, and generation of dihydrogen, primarily used in hydrotreatment and hydrocracking units...
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Christophe PREUX

Head of Department, Physico Chemistry of Complex Fluids and Materials
Christophe Preux graduated from the MATMECA engineering school (+ DEA in applied mathematics) (2003) before completing his doctoral thesis at the University of Bordeaux 1 in partnership with the CEA
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Research engineer in scientific computing
Julien Coatléven graduated from ENSTA (Paris) and completed his doctoral thesis in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and INRIA Rocquencourt. After completing post-doctoral research at
Issue 46 of Science@ifpen - Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies
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Colloid transport in porous media: deposits and plugging

The transport of colloidal particles in porous media is relevant to a number of fields, including geosciences and environmental engineering. Particle-matrix interactions can lead to deposit formation and accumulation, potentially damaging the medium and altering its permeability. (...) At IFPEN, the problem was originally studied for oil and gas production, but research has now been extended to include the fields of geothermal energy and geological storage of CO2.
Issue 46 of Science@ifpen - Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies
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Flair Suite™: supporting environmental and industrial gas monitoring

Today, air quality is an issue of major concern when it comes to public health. To protect it, it is necessary to reduce emissions but also monitor global chemical changes taking place in the atmosphere. From the economic and safety points of view, it is also important to monitor industrial gas emissions. It was to tackle these different aspects that IFPEN’s researchers began developing a range of technological solutions, within the context of the Flair Suite™ project.
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Research engineer / project leader in optimization
PhD in applied mathematics
Master degree in numerical analysis (Paris 6 university) PhD in applied mathematics (Paris 13 university) : inversion problem of seismic tomography 2003-now : research engineer in applied mathematics
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Thomas LEROY

Project Manager Electrochimical Systems and Energy Management
Thomas Leroy is graduated from ESSTIN and received the PhD degree in Control theory and Mathematics from the Ecole des Mines ParisTech, France, in 2010. He joined IFPEN as control research engineer on
Issue 44 of Science@ifpen
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The 48-volts system: mild hybrid with significant potential

Electrification of the vehicle powertrain is one of the keys to sustainable mobility and hybridization with internal combustion engines is becoming increasingly common. In this context, the “48-volt” mild hybrid system is a low-cost, flexible and easy-to-integrate option, with reduced safety constraints and outstanding performances.
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
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A new numerical tool to simulate the interaction between wind farms and local meteorological conditions

The French long-term energy program is encouraging the growth of wind energy. In order to predict this energy production and attempt to optimize it, irrespective of the production site (sea, mountain), a better understanding of wind flow...
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

The detection, at a lower cost, of ultrafine exhaust gas soot particles

To protect public health, fine particle emissions produced by IC engines have been regulated by the European Union since the 1990s. In order to comply with these standards, particle filters...