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Guillaume VINAY

Research Project Manager "Multiphysics Modeling of Coupling Phenomenon", PhD research engineer in numerical fluid mechanics
Guillaume Vinay studied at ENSEIRB-MATMECA in Bordeaux before completing a PhD in Numerical Mechanics at Mines ParisTech. Graduating in 2005, he was awarded the thesis prize of the Groupe Français de
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Research engineer / project leader in optimization
PhD in applied mathematics
Master degree in numerical analysis (Paris 6 university) PhD in applied mathematics (Paris 13 university) : inversion problem of seismic tomography 2003-now : research engineer in applied mathematics
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Materials & Corrosion Technical Advisor, Project manager
PhD in Electrochemistry
> 20 years experience in Materials and Corrosion. Materials Engineer from INSA de Lyon , 1997. PhD in Eectrochemistry (Paris 6), 2001. Habilitation from INSA de Lyon, 2011. Member of Cefracor / EFC /
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Charles-Philippe LIENEMANN

Charles-Philippe Lienemann - Scientific Advisor at the Physics and Analysis Division
Charles-Philippe Lienemann graduated at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in 1993. He then joined University of Lausanne (Switzerland) within the group of D. Perret and Prof. J-C. Bünzli for his
Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques
Innovation and Industry

Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques

The Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques (RE) brings together 14 of IFP Energies nouvelles’ laboratories. Awarded the Carnot label in 2020, it maintains strong ties with the socio-economic world, both in France and internationally, and actively contributes to the Carnot Institute network. The Carnot IFPEN RE addresses the challenges associated with
Innovation and Industry

Risers and flow lines: Our solutions

IFPEN designs equipment for offshore drilling, as well as flexible pipes and multi-phase pumps for ultra-deep offshore production. IFPEN also develops sensors and tools for the management of production risks.
Responsible oil and gas
Innovation and Industry

Responsible oil and gas

Against the backdrop of the accelerating energy transition, the oil industry and related sectors need to continue to meet sustained demand, while significantly reducing their environmental footprint and energy consumption. IFPEN develops eco-efficient and flexible processes for the production of fuel and chemical intermediates meeting the strictest standards. To make
Innovation and Industry

Risers and flow lines: Our strengths

Risers and flow lines Our strengths IFPEN boasts expertise recognized by a variety of industrial partners, with whom we have successfully built up close relationships over a number of years. It also has experimental facilities that, like its expertise, range from the laboratory scale to pilot tests. Supported by its
Innovation and Industry

Risers and flow lines: Our networks

Risers and flow lines Our networks Within the context of the CorRTEx (Corrosion Research and Technical Expertise) Alliance, IFPEN has forged a strong partnership with the Institut de la Corrosion , the École des Mines engineering school in Saint-Etienne , the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) , the
Science@ifpen n°34
News in brief

Semi-crystalline polymers: clays that are ignored?

In the energy sector, semi-crystalline polymers a are primarily used within structures located in aggressive environments, to form coatings (waterproofing, thermal or electric barriers) . These