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Innovation and Industry
News 24 October 2022

Applied thermodynamics in response to ecological transition challenges

In an effort to fully embrace all the challenges facing applied thermodynamics in the coming years, a group of experts from EFCE has published a summary document “A View on the Future of Applied Thermodynamics”.

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Research Engineer, PhD in Electrochemistry
I am Rémy Mingant, an experienced research engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles, specializing in corrosion, batteries, and materials. My journey is built upon a strong academic foundation, crowned by a
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Guillaume VINAY

Research Project Manager "Multiphysics Modeling of Coupling Phenomenon", PhD research engineer in numerical fluid mechanics
Guillaume Vinay studied at ENSEIRB-MATMECA in Bordeaux before completing a PhD in Numerical Mechanics at Mines ParisTech. Graduating in 2005, he was awarded the thesis prize of the Groupe Français de
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Research engineer in scientific computing
Francesco Patacchini is a research engineer in scientific computing and, more generally, in applied mathematics. He obtained his PhD at Imperial College London in 2017 under the supervision of Prof
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Antoine FECANT

Research engineer / Project manager
Antoine Fécant holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (2004) and a DEA (Master degree) from the University of Lille I the same year. He then obtained a PhD
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Research Engineer / Technical Advisor
Organic Geochemistry PhD. HdR.
Sciences of the Earth and the Universe HDR
Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento joined IFP Energies nouvelles in 2010 as a research scientist in organic geochemistry. She holds a Ph.D. in Organic Geochemistry from the University of Lille (France)
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Charles-Philippe LIENEMANN

Charles-Philippe Lienemann - Scientific Advisor at the Physics and Analysis Division
Charles-Philippe Lienemann graduated at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in 1993. He then joined University of Lausanne (Switzerland) within the group of D. Perret and Prof. J-C. Bünzli for his
Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques
Innovation and Industry

Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques

The Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques (RE) brings together 14 of IFP Energies nouvelles’ laboratories. Awarded the Carnot label in 2020, it maintains strong ties with the socio-economic world, both in France and internationally, and actively contributes to the Carnot Institute network. The Carnot IFPEN RE addresses the challenges associated with
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Research Engineer / Project Manager
Carlos Nieto-Draghi (b. 1975) completed a Chemical Engineer degree at the Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela) followed by a DEA and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineer and Processes at the Rovira i
Issues and Foresight

Energy storage

Energy storage consists in preserving a quantity of energy produced for later use. The idea is to ensure a balance between energy production and consumption, reduce losses and, hence, optimize costs.
Energy storage
Innovation and Industry

Energy storage : Our strengths

Energy storage Our strengths Expertise throughout the R&I chain : • Electrochemistry: testing and characterization resources on all representative scales, from the material through to the system: o For flow batteries: compartmentalized electrochemical cells, stack and module integrated into an electricity grid. o For Li-ion batteries: cell (button cell, pouch