News in brief
Digital porous materials: from the virtual to very real interest!
While macroscopic models combined with experimental analysis of porosity are well established for geometrically simple pores, hierarchized and disordered microstructures defy existing frameworks and call into question conventional interpretations. We proposed a digital framework to help overcome this challenge, taking into account morphology, connectivity and pore size distribution...
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Etienne GIRARD
Research scientist in Catalysis / R&I Project manager
Following an engineering degree obtained from Chimie ParisTech (2008), I completed my research career with an academic thesis at the University of Toulouse (obtained in 2012), on the design and

News in brief
SC3 - Simulation of the adsorption/transport combination via a generalized lattice-boltzmann approach
Transport of molecules within porous structures that adsorb on the surfaces plays an important role in numerous contexts and very different applications. These include pollutant transport in soils, industrial catalytic conversion and purification processes, and chromatographic techniques...

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Project manager, Research Engineer in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Malika Boualleg joined IFP New Energy after a thesis in synthesis of materials and heterogeneous catalysis (CP2M, ex-LCOMS 2006-2009), during which she developed new syntheses of mesostructured

News in brief
Photocatalysis, a lighted pathway for CO2 conversion
Although the climate crisis makes the reduction of CO2 emissions a matter of urgency, some industries will have difficulty in avoiding them, such as cement plants (where the core process is currently based on the calcination of CaCO3) or refineries, which are currently highly energy-intensive. Hence the huge potential interest in procedures that could capture the CO2 released directly from the plant (...) then recover it at a fraction of the energy cost...

News in brief
The premature ageing of oxygen carrier materials: a challenge for CLC
The increase in the level of atmoshpheric CO2 and the resulting climate change are a global concern. Despite this, the use of fossil fuels continues to grow, in response to high energy demand. Combined with storage and CO2 conversion solutions, Chemical Looping Combustion processes (CLC) offer a medium-term solution to reducing the impact of energy production from fossil fuels, or even biomass...

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Numerical design based on the analysis of multi-scale porous material microstructures
The design of high-quality porous materials is a major challenge for the energy efficiency of industrial processes in the fields of catalysis and biocatalysis and separation and purification operations. For such applications, these materials derive their properties of interest from their specific microstructure, incorporating a large quantity of empty spaces that are organized and connected on a nanometric scale. IFPEN and Saint Gobain Research Provence (SGRP) joined forces to acquire a tool that will ultimately facilitate the development of porous materials optimized for given usages.
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Scientific Assistant Director
Researcher in Molecular Modeling applied to Catalysis
Researcher in Molecular Modeling applied to Catalysis
___________________ Open PhD Position in Computational Catalysis for Circular Economy (October 2025 - September 2028) : Molecular s imulations of the mechanisms involved in the recycling of

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Antoine FECANT
Head of Department
Antoine Fécant holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (2004) and a DEA (Master degree) from the University of Lille I the same year. He then obtained a PhD
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Researcher in Complex Fluids / Ph.D. in Chemistry
_ Maira completed her Ph.D. thesis at the Institute for Research on Catalysis and the Environment of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (CNRS) and Saint-Gobain Provence Research on the catalytic