Biofuels in the road transport sector / Gasoline substitutes / Diesel substitutes / Spotlight on biofuels in the aviation sector / Biomethane for NGV powertrains / Focus on France / Expected opportunities for advanced biofuels
Geothermal energy Our strengths - Skills and multidisciplinary expertise making it possible to contribute to all the building blocks in the geothermal energy value chain: • Geosciences, • Thermodynamics, • Geomechanics, • Fluid mechanics, • Physical chemistry, • Microbiology, • Process design and modeling, • Applied mathematics, digital technologies, •
Geothermal energy Our networks Collaboration with the BRGM IFPEN works in close partnership with teams from the BRGM (French Geological and Mining Research Bureau), capitalizing on synergies and complementary expertise. The partners work together within the framework of French and European collaborative projects, sometimes focusing on other themes such as
Geothermal energy OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES "Deep" geothermal energy, as opposed to surface geothermal energy, aims to harness the heat of the subsurface as a source of heating or electricity. These two objectives are achieved to varying degrees depending on the geographical area. Electricity generation The power required is such that
wind energY Our strengths • More than 12 years’ experience in the field, with a team of around thirty FTE staff dedicated to wind energy, alongside 5 to 10 doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. • Active in several segments of the value chain, with packages aimed at wind energy development
IFPEN is contributing to the growth of the wind energy sector, from resource evaluation through to the development of efficient control systems. IFPEN is also contributing to the development of efficient wave energy technology that can be used by industry.
wind energY Our networks IFPEN’s wind energy research is conducted within the context of an excellence network including industrial and academic partners: the Ancre alliance, the International Energy Agency’s Technological Cooperation Program, IEA Wind, in which IFPEN represents France on the Executive Committee and coordinates a task dedicated to the
wind energY OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES The global development of wind energy is being driven by several factors: evolving technologies, a cost per kWh that is set to fall further, managed environmental impacts, the wider consultation of other users upstream of projects. There is significant potential in Europe to develop wind
Biogas Our strengths Expertise in gas treatment applicable to biogas purification: see video (in French) with Julien Grandjean, research engineer at IFPEN.
Biogas Our networks Biomet Project Within the context of the French Investments for the Future program, ADEME supported the Biomet project targeting the energy recovery of biomass using high-energy performance gas sweetening technology. In partnership with the SME Arol Energy, IFPEN worked on the purification of biogas from biomethane fermentation