Focus on...

Pack Batteries
Innovation and Industry

Batteries : from design to recycling

The rapid emergence of electric vehicles is driving an explosion in the demand for batteries, which is set to increase ten-fold by 2030. Several challenges are associated with batteries.
Battery pack
Innovation and Industry

Batteries: Our strengths

IFPEN draws on experimental resources and modeling techniques making it possible to characterize and test battery behavior : Partnerships, Means of formulation and implementation of battery materials, Complete and specific means of experimentation, Creation of prototypes ...
Pack Batteries
Innovation and Industry

Batteries: Our networks

Competitiveness clusters, consortiums, collaborative projets, ...
Battery pack
Innovation and Industry

Batteries: Our solutions

The solutions proposed by IFPEN concern, firstly, the development and recycling of battery materials and, secondly, the characterization and modeling of battery behavior.
Issue 55 of Science@ifpen - Process Design and Modeling
News in brief

Modeling manufacturing by precipitation - A skill set for the production of battery cathode materials

Building on knowledge acquired relating to alumina precipitation synthesis for heterogeneous catalyst supports, IFPEN’s teams set about working on pCAM synthesis for Li-ion batteries. These materials are indeed also obtained by precipitation in stirred tank reactors, which shares similarities with alumina synthesis (nucleation, growth and agglomeration phenomena). Nevertheless, they come with their own challenges and, consequently, with new research opportunities...
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC6 - How to better control loss of lithium battery capacity

Everybody knows that lithium-ion batteries, used in cell phones, computers, etc., gradually lose capacity and eventually fail. This loss of capacity is primarily due to a layer known as the SEI, which forms between one of the battery’s electrodes and the electrolyte (see Figure). This layer already appears after the first battery charge/discharge cycle, and grows over time, consuming lithium ions. The process is irreversible and therefore detrimental to battery capacitye...
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC1 - New experimental set up to study battery safety

The electrification of mobility is a major transformation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions by the transport sector. In this context, the Li-ion battery is currently the technology employed by all car manufacturers to provide the energy storage required for the roll-out of electric vehicles...
Science@ifpen - Issue 49
News in brief

Battery behavior: a complexity best taken into account by modeling

For around fifteen years now, IFPEN has been focusing on modeling conventional batteries to represent their nominal operation (electric and thermal behavior during normal operation), throughout their lifetime (...) and in the event of thermal runaway (failure, improper use)...
Issues and Foresight

Electric vehicles

All-electric vehicles operate with a battery and an electric motor. The large-capacity battery has to be recharged with the vehicle stationary at a charging station.
Issues and Foresight

Hybrid vehicles

The vehicle is equipped with a combined IC/electric powertrain system and two energy storage systems: a fuel tank and a battery.